Compare reference data


[remote "upstream"]
    url = <URL of GitHub repository or Azure mirror>
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*
    fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/*


Make sure you are in the root of tardis-refdata after running the following cell.

Define classes and functions

Load data

Check if REF1_HASH and REF2_HASH are environment variables. If not defined (or empty), use the defaults defined above.

Test table

Detailed inspection of the reference data

If parts of the reference data show differences between revisions, you should invest some time examining these differences in detail. Often, visualizing the relevant data blocks already helps.

You can use the following plotting routines as a blueprint and adjust and extend them to your needs.

Get the data and find all the entries for which differences exist:
